Monday, January 28, 2008

Making the Porch Garden Bed (27 January 2008)

A New Garden Bed

So our goals in the garden for this weekend were
1) Pull out the Ficus tree
2) Break up the concrete in front of the porch to make a new garden bed.

This is what the porch "garden bed" looked like before yesterday. I pulled up 7 pavers way back in November to see what is underneath them (so we knew how difficult/easy it was going to be to create a garden bed here. Underneath the pavers was an old concrete footpath - making things very difficult for us.

So we went to Kennards Hire and hired a jack hammer for 24 hours. This made the job sooooo much easier - but it still took Carmine a couple of hours to break all the concrete up.

It was hot weather and the jack hammer was heavy

- Carmine did an awesome job!

Once all the concrete was broken up, we had to lift all of it out of the new garden bed (well, it's ALMOST a garden bed)

We're still left with a long pile of rubble. We'll either hire a skip or get someone to come and cart it all away the weekend after next.

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