Sunday, March 2, 2008

Not Much Action this Weekend

C and I went to Adelaide first thing on Saturday morning (and I mean FIRST thing...we were up at 4.45am) and arrived back at 10am on Sunday morning. So that didn't leave much time for action in the garden. But we did manage to do 2 small things:

I shoveled this sand and dirt from an area where we will soon be creating a garden bed. Impressive, I know.

C did a fantastic job re-staining the timber deck. It's something you should do every 6 months or so. The deck was bulit in Septmber, so that's about 6 months ago.

C did a great job and even did the edges. Only took 45mins. I thought it might have been one of those things that took half a day!

The re-stained deck! Noice one bruvva.

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