Monday, January 28, 2008

East End Garden Bed (28 January 2008)

New Garden Bed in the Courtyard

While we had the jack hammer hired to cut up the concrete ontop of the porch garden bed, we thought we should make the most out of having it. We had one other area that is currently paved that we wanted to make into a garden bed - at the east end of the courtyard.

This is what the area (at the far end of the deck) looked like before we took to it with the jack hammer.

This is it now! Yay! I've still got to pick all the concrete out of the bed, then dig up and loosen the soil - but hey, it's a start.

Once the soil is prepared, I'll plant a tall hedge (Lillypilly probably) to help screen out the clothes line and shed (we'll put a thin utility shed along the back fence soon).

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