Saturday, February 9, 2008

Saturday Morning Working Bee

Wow! Yipee! Hooray! We have finished loading all the rubble from the front yard into a skip. We thought it would take two days of serious hard yakka - but it was all done in just a few hours this morning. My lovely sister Sal (props to her) came over to give us a hand and that really helped to speed things along. We got into a production line mood real quick, with Sal and I shovelling rubble into the wheelbarrows (we had two) and Minu emptying the wheelbarrows into the skip on the street.

I'm so happy to have finished early. That means we can enjoy the rest of the weekend. Such a contrast to the last couple of weekends when we have been working ourselves to exhaustion on Saturdays and Sundays. So now begs the question "how are we going to enjoy the rest of the weekend". I think we are just about to head into the city and check out an art gallery and wander around the shops for a bit and then go see Juno at the movies tonight.

Tomorrow I'll do a couple of minor things in the garden (like planting the Chinese Star Jasmine that's been languishing in a pot for a few weeks) but apart from that - i'll do NOTHING.

Wow! I feel so relaxed. Ah the serenity.

Here's some photos from our working bee this morning:

Sal and I were the "shovellers" - we shovelled all the dirt, concrete, mortar, sand , etc etc into the wheel barrows.

This is me.

This is me being a bit silly.

Here's a good Sal-in-action shot. Go lady!

Minu was the pusher - he took the wheelbarrows...

to the skip...

and emptied them.

All done. The skip is filled.

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